☆Introspect by Celina Mervine
Photography + Creative Direction | Celina Mervine @celenseuk
Model + Styling | Tareh @tar3h
“Creativity is an ongoing journey - it never stops as long as you’re alive.”
Shot in March 2021, this photoshoot marked a shift in the way I viewed myself and my work. I used to be named ‘studioLNSR’, but I changed my name to ‘Celense’ shortly after this shoot. I was in a place where I realised that my imposter syndrome was being caused by the expectations I had placed on myself, which ultimately caused me to be unable to create what I actually wanted to create.
Some questions I asked myself were -
‘What do I enjoy shooting? What are my goals and how can I take the necessary steps to get there? Do I really believe in myself? What is my style of shooting? Am I conforming to any expectations placed on me as a creative?’
I wanted to have the freedom to create whatever felt real to me, and I felt that changing my name to something a bit more personal would be a great start.
‘Celina’ + ‘Lens’ = ☆Celense
Creativity is an ongoing journey - it never stops as long as you’re alive. We never stop inventing and our minds don’t stop changing, so it’s not fair to box yourself into one thing. Indulge in the freedom to change your mind.